
When the Awesome Dairy Team successfully accepts your vendor request, you will see the Shopfront Menu at the left of your screen. The shopfront is where you may put all of your store’s shop-related information.

Storefront is the page where you may view your seller page as a customer on Awesome Dairy but can edit it; the more you beautify it, the more possibilities you have of getting more customers.

You need to specify your Store name, Store Slug (Which will be a unique Link) for your store, Store Description etc.

If you have a specific message to buyers, you can specify the same under the “Message to Buyers” section of the Shopfront menu.

Further, you can add the Address in detail.

The timezone for India is GMT + 5:30 Mumbai, Kolkata. You can select the same.

Then you need to enter your complete Food Safety License No & Upload the .jpeg or .pdf file of the Food certificate under the upload option.

Food Safety License is a mandatory requirement for every food business operator. In case if you are a new business owner and your application is under process, you can write to regarding the same.

If your business has a GST certificate, you can mention your complete GST no and upload the .jpeg or .pdf file under the upload option.

It would help if you mentioned all your social links under the social media section of the dashboard. If you do not have social profiles, you can skip this step.

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